- The False Prophet -

"How Demons live their life."
<---ssc biology--->

Sonny Cardona -> False Prophet

- Hear others speak their Minds about Satanic Sonny Cardona -

Sonny Cardona

Known as Truthneversleeps, Satanic Sonny Cardona's fame has gotten the attention from other YouTube folk who have either had much popularity for years or are currently on the rise. So what the Anonymous will do here is go through a few who have recently decided to share their thoughts on what they themselves think about this individual who tries to gain his fake stardom online.

child molester
Individuals who've had ENOUGH!

Please watch all the noted Individual's videos below. Each of them come from different angles on how and what they see of Sonny Cardona. We'll also add a comment section below that so if you know of him and would like to join (or add a video of you own) please send a message there and we'll connect! Never let a slimeball like Sonny Cardona scam the world for cash - that's pure False Prophet.

Videos of people who learned of SSC online:

Sonny Cardona is a Fake!

Hear from people who were attacked by ssc's during his quest for fame & fortune

Please contact us and keep us informed

There are plenty of options on this site for us all to stay updated about new conspiracy scams that are coming up non-stop...videos and everything. Again, do your research!

Let's Get In Contact!

To ALL YouTube members and/or subscribers: if you know or despise Sonny Cardona for his hypocrisy in scamming viewers just to make every $buck$ he can, please feel free to contact us and we'll work together in collecting data. Together we can start a coalition in many ways to stop frauds such as this.

Our Promise to You


Just Follow Our Path

Johnny Anonymous

- Johnny Anonymous -