- The False Prophet -

"How Demons live their life."

Sherry Shriner

A Believer or True Demon???

Often Considered "A Reptillian Cult"

By Johnny Anonymous - 4-30-2020

sherry shriner

Sherry J. Shriner was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. Early in her upbringing she was known to have "night terrors" and difficulty sleeping. Nobody knows completely why but some blame stress on her parents' childhood/adolescents expectations of her. In her late teens this resulted in mental beliefs that there were evil demons sent by the Devil to kill her. In her early teens she had committed to the bible, yet questioned many of the apocalyptic predictions such as how anti-Christ (demons) may control society. These thoughts would later cause her to revolt against Christianity and focus on going to school for media studies.

After doing some journalism work at Kent State, Ohio in her mid-20's and graduating with 3 different degrees, Sherry moved to Washington D.C. to find work in “political media.” However, this did not work well and led her to return back to Ohio. It was soon thereafter that her mental health deflated once again. This was an important stage as she would then lead herself to a never-ending personal saga. Sherry returned to deeply trying to understand the Bible, seeing the world as constant spiritual warfare between humans and demons. She also went on to seeing Jesus as the Son of Satan himself!

Sherry's dreams would continue to lead a path having her to believe that she was a special being; one in which God was telling her that she was to be a warrior and spread her faith to others. This went on to how aliens live not beyond our earth, but among us on a daily basis. And the only people who support the aliens are those within or whom work with the government in some way.

Starting in 2005, Sherry did all she could via YouTube and the internet to get her word to be heard. By now she was living in the city of Carrollton, Ohio. Almost every day for sometimes over an hour she would speak her mind about how Satan disguised himself as Jesus and was tricking the world to follow him. There were other variables such as reptilians, spiders, aliens, several [mixed] numbers, hundreds of icons, and thousands of symbols.

Another group Sherry found as evil or "possessed" were celebrities. Commonly famous actors whom make their due in Hollywood were thought of by her as demonic. She also considered The Pope (Catholic leader) as very negative as well. They to would all be classified to various degrees such as vampires, snakes, and aliens.

tin foil hats

To protect her followers from alien Satan, Sherry suggested what was referred to as "Aether Energy Orgone Blasters." We can let you consider this as high-tech as you prefer, but Sherry claimed these were a secret key that could repel the enemy and "positive energy source." They were simple solid metal blocks shaped like a cupcake.

Kelly Pingilley of suburban Detroit began following Sherry Shriner around the age of 20. She claimed she "was struggling with the choice of going to college or spending what time we have left on this for earth" before falling for Sherry's cult. Pingilley pursued online and in-person through “missions” to New York and Kentucky, where the group believed they were battling the New World Order. On her blog, Pingilley described her new beliefs as a reawakening. However, in December of 2012 Pingilley said the apocalypse was near. “Yahuah” (their term for God) had shown her a strange symbol, which foretold invasion by an alien race that would eat and enslave humans. On the night of Dec. 28, she left a note on her pillow and drove off to a snowy wildlife park with a bottle of sleeping pills where she would take 30 to kill herself. When hunters found her body in the park the following morning, she was wearing a necklace with a pendant of the orgone, which Sherry had sold here for $44 plus shipping. Sherry Shriner would later blame the death on the government, saying a “NATO death squad” murdered the troubled young woman.

Steven Mineo Barbara Rogers

32-year-old Steven Mineo and 42-year-old Barbara Rogers had been in a committed relationship along with being deep followers of Sherry Shriner for almost a decade. It should be noted they were living in a trailer together in Pennsylvania, bound up with an online community of radical Christian eschatologists. Both Steven and Barbara had frequent contact online with Sherry Shriner as well, helping promote New World Order posts whenever possible. In April 2017, Barbara posted to Facebook a seemingly benign appreciation of steak tartare. “This is the best thing ever with cut up minced garlic,” Barbara wrote. Shriner took this to mean Rogers was not human, but a reptilian occultist. “That means she’s into ingesting blood,” she wrote on Facebook in May of that year. “Eating raw hamburger is a symbol that you are part of the vampire/succubus societies... [Rogers is] a witch, I can confirm that at this point.”

It was later speculated that Shriner possibly levied this bizarre accusation against Rogers because, by her own admission, she did not approve of Barbara's relationship with Mineo. We can touch on that later. In early 2017, Mineo had indeed changed and began to question certain points of Shriner's' theology. According to several since-deleted videos for his own YouTube channel Mineo rebelled against Shriner very much, referring to her as a "mentally sick" fraud. However, just a week later after some recreational shooting outside their trailer, Mineo supposedly felt tormented and convinced Barbara to shoot him directly in the forehead - killing him instantly. Their court hearings went on to eventually find Barbara guilty. Barbara claimed she thought the gun was unloaded and felt extremely regretful for what happened. From the other end, this can be seen as Sherry Shriner once again trying to achieve what she wanted; otherwise known as what constitutes “authoritative content.”

By record, Sherry Shriner ended up dying less than a year after Mineo — by natural causes - according to a spokesperson for the Ohio Department of Health. However, her digital legacy persists. Rumor has it her child(ren) continue to renew her old and poorly designed websites annually. It is not know if they are updated and if products such as the "Aether Energy Orgone Blasters" continue to be sold. Sherry's YouTube channel, Twitter, and Facebook are still open and semi-active as well.

Sherry Shriner UFO Lucifer Concept

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- Johnny Anonymous -